I’m Alisha

I’m a teacher, momma, & recovering perfectionist, dedicated to helping teachers achieve work-life balance.

My life’s passion is helping teacher gain their time back and spend more purposeful time at home. A few beliefs that I stand firm on:

  • Teachers can be amazing while ONLY working their contract hours.
  • No-prep resources are amazing and are a TOTAL game changer.
  • Middle school ELA is the bomb diggity.
  • Diggity is a word.

My World Changed

In 2017 I had my first child. And if that doesn’t change your life I don’t know what will.

I realized I could no longer treat my job as a hobby. No more spending 20 hours on a bulletin board because I had nothing better to do. That season of my life was over. I now had to become more intentional with my time. I began feeling guilty about not spending as much time in the classroom.

But then, a funny thing happened. I found that by setting up certain strategies and systems, I could accomplish more with my time at work. Now I share resources, strategies, systems, and lessons with teachers to help them keep work at work. I believe that teachers can be amazing while ONLY working their contract hours, because your home life is your life.

How Can I Help You?

Does establish boundaries, only working your contract hours, and kick booty resources sound marvelous to you? Check out a recent blog post. I keep it updated with all my recent tips, tricks, and no prep resources.

Thanks for checking out my small corner of the web.

Remember, I’m rooting for you friend!

Alisha- Mrs. A. Riley

Hey friend! I'm Alisha. I create unique lessons for the middle school English classroom. Read More

