5 Easy Ways to Amp Up Your Grammar Instruction

June 8, 2021
Image with title: 5 Easy Way to Amp Up Your Grammar Instruction

Grammar instruction, or just grammar in general, gets a bad rap, like really bad. I’m going to blame diagraming sentences; no offense if that is totally your jam. It just almost killed me in 7th grade. But it’s 2021, and grammar doesn’t have to suck. It can be blow your socks off amazingly.

Now you are probably thinking, yeah, if I spend a ton of money, my grammar lesson might be better, but nope, no money is necessary. Your grammar instruction can rock and not cost you a penny. So keep reading to find out five easy ways to amp up your grammar instruction.

1. Gamify Your Grammar Instruction

Gamification is adding game-like elements to your grammar instruction. As a teacher bogged down with the weight of everything that comes with the job, it is easy to forget that the students are still kids! Middle schoolers might make it seem like they are too cool for games, but I find that once we are into it, they jump right back into being “little” again and enjoy playing games. 

When I say gamify, I’m not talking about making or creating a board game for everything; that would take WAY too long. A few easy ways to gamify grammar worksheets include: 

  • Adding dice
  • Add a timer
  • Give it a theme
  • Points value
  • Think how can everyone win

You don’t need to include all of these things but think of how you can make your instruction, grammar worksheet, notes, review feel like a game to the students and gain student buy-in.

2. Incorporate Doodle Notes

Doodle notes are AMAZING. The grammar notes give the students visual cues that activate their brains and allows students to process and retain the information. I love the reaction the first time I pass out Doodle Notes to my students, I don’t get very far into the year without using them, but they are utterly confused.  Don’t worry; the confusion doesn’t last very long, then realize that they can actually color during note-taking time!  

If you think Grammar Doodle Notes are something that your students might be interested in, check out this link. Each Doodle note set comes with 4 different versions. Included are a coloring page, a guided notes page, a blank page that allows for more creative freedom for the students, and an answer key. If you are interested in more of the science behind Doodle Notes, you can check out this website; it has EVERYTHING you would want to know.

3. It’s All in the Presentation

I have one secret word that can upgrade any boring grammar worksheet. CHALLENGE. Yep, that’s it. CHALLENGE. You tack on challenge to the end of any grammar instruction, and you have immediately piqued student’s interest. 

Think about it, have you ever signed up for a weight loss challenge, reading challenge, decluttering challenge? You get the drift. Your students might just be working on expanding sentences, which, let’s be honest, isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if you present it to them with a smile on your face, whisper to them that it’s a challenge, and put on some secret spy music. They are sold. The engagement factor has just amplified. Set the scene for your students; you don’t have to spend a million dollars and make your room look like a Disney theme park. 

But think of using what you have to present the content to your students this could include:

  • Music
  • A fun assignment name
  • A video clip 
  • Minimal props (think envelope with Challenge written on it)

4. Student Led Grammar Instruction

Here is something you may or may not know. Your classroom doesn’t have to be silent. Yep, I said it. Students learn from one another. I can beat a topic to death and only have a few kids understand it. So guess what? I let the students take over. The students have their own language, a language that I don’t speak.

I build a space in my classroom that allows students to speak respectfully and use their voices. You are not the only leader in your classroom; let students lead one another. This can look a lot of different ways; it can look like small groups, partner work, or one student leading the class. Shake things up and let students lead your grammar lesson.

5. Make It Mobile

One of my favorite questions I always ask myself to amp up grammar instruction, how can I add movement. Yep, you heard me, movement. How can I get my students up and moving? You will be amazed at all of the things you can think of when you stop and ask yourself that question before you think out your grammar instruction. 

Can you have the students play Four Corners or Scoot? How about cut up a worksheet and tape it under chairs? Are students able to walk around the room to answer questions? Can students crumble up the paper and throw it (gently) at one another. 

Obviously, all of that takes some discussion with what movement looks like in the classroom, BUT it’s free. When you take time to stop and think about it, leveling up your grammar game is easy!

Grammar doesn’t have to suck. It really doesn’t. If you are looking for grammar activities for your 6th grade students, check out these resources. It includes DIFFERENT grammar activities for each grammar standard.

Remember, I’m rooting for you friend.


P.S. Overwhelmed by how to have time to fit grammar in your day? Check out this blog post that lays out a week of grammar instructions, taking only minutes each day.

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Hey friend! I'm Alisha. I create unique lessons for the middle school English classroom. Read More

